Genre of choice: Comedy, Thriller, and/or Drama. Please list me your rate.ĬOMEDY, THRILLER, OR DRAMA SCRIPTS. RNGF seeking very limited location feature scripts.
are are encouraged to apply, but will allow anyone to work remotely. You will be assisting me with story development.
#Comedy screenplays wanted 2017 tv
I’m a TV producer who works for a public access channel and I’m looking to produce a new comedy show. Put “SHORT SCREENPLAY” in subject line.ĬOMEDY SCREENWRITER.
Please start with sending us a logline and an excerpt from the script. Compensation will be negotiated (up to 1,000 USD). 2BKP, based out of Los Angeles, is seeking a short script that has limited locations, and a VERY small cast. My idea would be to develop a script with the writer, although if you have scripts already written in the realm I am looking for, I would be interested in those as well. I am interested in raw and emotional material, female protagonists, and intimate rather than broad, large-scale storytelling. I am a filmmaker in Los Angeles, looking for a talented writer to collaborate on a character driven dark drama/neo noir short script. Send me your routines and I will talk specific details with you. I’m looking for somebody to strictly write stand up comedy jokes. We have a very powerful story with great characters. My new film is in the early stages of development. Negotiate buyout will be put in place for selected screenplay.ĬOMEDY WRITER. Every screenwriter who submits needs to submit a synopsis first. Production Company, based out of Asia, seeks high concept scripts that take place in 1-2 locations. Putting 3 scripts on my roster to be approved by my investor. Feature scripts ONLY page length should be at least 90. I’m NOT looking for TV scripts or shorts. Looking for scripts that specifically have a tragic ending. Need script(s) that combine drama and comedy. But we will accept all applicants from Screenwriting Staffing. Those from the East Coast are encouraged to apply. CBP is based on the East Coast, so the theme of the pilot has East Coast themes. This is a PAID position, with half paid upfront. CBP is seeking a writer familiar with sitcoms to re-write an existing pilot. To APPLY/SUBMIT to these SCREENWRITING LEADS, CLICK HERE!!! Screenwriting Gigs, Script Requests, Screenwriting Collaboration, & More!